A support thread (or sub forum) on the forum

Joseph W. 2V-16

New member
I suggest a support thread (or sub forum) on the TXDPS-RP forums for basic how to prepare your game, PC, discord, being a community officer, how to apply for a departments, how to request tags, why requesting tags is important, ETC.

I am new (a couple of months now) to the TXDPS-RP, I have struggled with basic issues that at first that were not clear or I did not know the basic sequence of actions to complete a given task. Maybe there should be a support team? I am willing to assistance if necessary.

If there was a general area to point new users to for assistance if would imply that the server is willing to help to get new/fresh players online. The #information channel on Discord is great and Mundo has done in creating documents like SOPs, rules, applications, etc. but I think the forums could be used for greater detail. The following are a few issues that I have noticed that could be addressed easily:

Voice chat settings in GTAV/FiveM
Sound settings on local PC
Video Graphics settings (IE. Texture lost = increasing Extended Texture Budget)
How to connect (IE. Hit F8 in FiveM then typing "connect s1.txdps-rp.com")