So, there is a new ban system

Filipe Vieira

New member
People have been talking about the new ban system, with the 'ban transfer' and other things, so I was interested in knowing what is the difference between the two systems?

Will P. 1K-08

New member
The new system is I guess you could say more advanced and made by 1A3. The "ban transfer" is an auto-ban to transfer old bans to the new one because there was too many to do manually.

Filipe Vieira

New member
Yeah, but like, the new system bans IP? Steam ID? Social Club ID?

And if so, what did the old system did ban exactly? Why there was a need to change?

Just curious xD


I would guess such specifics are classified for safety purposes? idk

Alexander W.

New member
When the new system was implemented, bans had to be reset because it was hard to transfer all of the bans. Now that all of the bans from the old system have been transferred, the people who are now banned for the reason "Ban Transfer" means their ban was transferred from the old system to the new one. If that makes any sense...

Jenson D.

When the new system was implemented, bans had to be reset
As Alex stated the new system has a list of all the old bans as I was not going to manually move 1000+ bans over to the new system.

Why there was a need to change?
Basically, the new system has proper support for multiple servers unlike the old system.
Finally, regarding what we ban you don't really need to know that ;)
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